Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Leroy’s Occupy Journal 

(Entry 3)

Things have been a little out the norm as of lately. Not with the movement but with me.  You see, I’ve been hearing a voice talking to me inside of my head like an alien or something. That’s really been freaking me the hell out.  I’m slapping my damn self, telling myself to shut up.  I’m telling you, all I need now is a long coat that sleeves tie in the back. This mess is crazy!  I don’t know when it started.  I guess when I came back from the occupy movement my head started to hurt like hell.  Felt like Mike Tyson hit me upside the head, then let my ears sit in hot sauce for the added flavor. I don’t even know where I am sometime and I can’t get to much sunlight now cause that triggers my head aches.
Then from out of nowhere, this voice starts talking in my mind!  It sounds just like a person I know before in my life,  frankly, it sounds like my Uncle Rick, somebody who is doing a lot of begging I presume.  Uncle Rick use to come by after he gambled up his check and asks for money.  My Momma would say, “He on that stuff again”, whatever that means.  Anyways, my head still hurts, even now.  I have this feeling that my head gonna open up and something is gonna crawl out of there and say, “Take me to your leader Leroy Wilson.  I’m a being from outer space”, like a Jetsons or some crap.  I can’t call it from either side but I gotta get to the bottom of these damn head aches before I crack up! 

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